
Part Three:

The Standard American Diet and it's Effects

(About 16 minutes)

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Preface to Part Three Dietary Guidelines for Americans - success/failure?

Acceptance of the Standard American Diet Many errors made - political - professional - "The end of Diet Wars?"

New Zealand Ministry of Health NZ Childhood Obesity Plan

Standard Nutrition Theory Health Stars and Heart Ticks - Dietary Propaganda

The Public Health Effect of the S.A.D. Diabetes out of Control - Wrong Advice Common

Energy for Life - Carbohydrates and fats The human body has a HYBRID Metabolism

Are Carbohydrates essential? The Case for Zero Carbohydrates. Yalow and Berson - Low Insulin

The Big Fat Surprise Nina Teicholz and Garry Taubes

The Credit Suisse Research Institute Sugar and Fat in the diet

Hormones Drive Obesity - Insulin - Leptin - Cortisol

The Obesity of Poverty Poverty, poor quality food, and obesity - Carbohydrate Intolerance

Overview of Our New Learning Insulin Resistance - Fat Metabolism

The Obesity Driver - "Insulin On" Take Control - Don't be Hungry

Credit Suisse Research Institute - Saturated Fats Natural unprocessed fats are healthy

What Every Woman Knows. 1963 Do we know what a healthy diet is?