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Dr Elizabeth Fraser

Main web page for: Dr Elizabeth Fraser - Watson General Practice - ACT, Australia

Graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1985

Dr Liz Fraser

The myth of the good diet

Dr Liz Fraser (20 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Canberra 2020 - 30 Dec 2020

Dr Liz Fraser explores the concept that we can get all the nutrition we need from diet, and that taking nutrient supplements is a waste of time. Why might anyone be nutrient deficient? Who might be nutrient deficient? Even if you are consuming the perfect diet, can you be sure that you are ingesting, absorbing, and optimally utilising everything that you need to be healthy? Liz poses a series of questions to help you think about whether you should take nutrient supplements, or not.

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Fraser Does Fibre Matter?

Dr Liz Fraser (25 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Canberra 2020 - 30 Dec 2020

. In this presentation, Liz asks does fibre matter. Many people make big claims for the beneficial health effects of fibre. But there is a body of inconvenient studies which contradict many of these claims. Liz explores some of these claims, and the counter-claims. One of the big criticisms of LCHF diet approaches is that these diet lack in fibre. But, if low carb diets can be no fibre, low fibre or high fibre, does fibre matter?

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Dr Liz Fraser (25 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Down Under - 30 May 2021

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Dr Liz Fraser: Her personal health story

Dr Liz Fraser (42 minutes)

Published by: Health Heal Thrive - 4 Sept 2020

Today Dr Liz Fraser shares her personal health story. We also get to meet one of Dr Liz's patients, Jane. At the age of 56, Jane was ready to live down and die. She was obese, depressed, in pain, had fatty liver, and was on the wait list for knee surgery. By age 60, she had reversed her metabolic syndrome and come off many medications. Jane uses a low carbohydrate diet, along with regular gym and personal training, to keep her life moving in the right direction. She's not hungry or craving unhealthy food, and she thoroughly enjoys having muscles. After a 30 kg weight loss, the main thing she struggles with is finding clothes that will fit and that don't look like they're the wrong size for her.

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Truth, Trust and Evidence

Dr Liz Fraser (32 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Down Under - 5 Jan 2025

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