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Dr Glen Davies

General Practitioner & Lifestyle Medicine Physician

Dr Glen Davies' YouTube Channel:

KEY Message. "You cannot reverse Type II Diabetes with medicine."

Glen is a GP specialist with dual fellowships in both general practice and lifestyle medicine. He works at Taupo Medical Centre. He is a passionate advocate of lifestyle approaches to reversing chronic disease. Through his prescription of LCHF/ keto diets, he has helped over 100 patients reverse their prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Glen was recognised for his work in 2021 by being awarded the prestigious GP of the year title at the NZ primary care awards.

Dr Glen Davies

Red Divider Line

"Why do we gain weight and why is it so hard to lose it?"

Dr Glen Davies (9 minutes)

Published by: PREKURE - Prevention is Cure - June, 2020

Dr Glen Davies (GP) explains the mechanisms behind weight gain. What actually happens in the body? How can we lose weight, and keep it off?

Red Divider Line

"Achieving and Maintaining Nutritional Ketosis"

Chewing The Fat on Keto with Dr Glen Davies - Part 1

Clay talks to Dr Glen Davies (31 minutes)

Published by: Clay Tall Stories: - 30 June, 2020

Red Divider Line

"Achieving and Maintaining Nutritional Ketosis"

Chewing The Fat on Keto with Dr Glen Davies - Part 2

Clay talks to Dr Glen Davies (21 minutes)

Published by: Clay Tall Stories: -

Red Divider Line

My vision for the health care system of the future.

Dr Glen Davies (9 minutes)

Published by: Glen Davies - 19 Jan 2022

Red Divider Line

Reversing Type2 Diabetes with keto (NZ).

Science & community-driven change - T2D remission

Dr Davies was interviewed by Jodie R Bruning (88 minutes)

Published by: Physicians & Scientists for Global Responsibility - 27 Jan 2023

In 2021 Dr Davies was awarded New Zealand, General Practitioner of the Year, at the New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards for his work in this field.

This fascinating discussion looks at the drivers that led to Glen’s shift in professional focus. This includes a key patient urging that Glen looked into keto, which then led to Glen researching the scientific evidence, and the experiences of other doctors. Glen’s shift to focussing on reversing T2 diabetes with ketogenic dietary protocols, has been rapid.

It's not just Glen - community groups meet to discuss their own dietary transition, and patients are supported by health coaches. This talk will appeal to GPs and non-GPs alike and is heavily referenced. Dr Davies success has arisen from a multi-pronged approach, supporting the individual, helping them understand the science, and understanding that change happens differently for all patients/clients. The community working/information groups have been a major force for change.

The Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Taupō (RT2DT) group works to support community-driven lifestyle and dietary change to nourishing whole unprocessed foods and natural fats; and away from refined/processed carbohydrates, industrial seed oils and sugar.

Red Divider Line

Vitamin D. So important in defeating viruses!

Dr Glen Davies (6 minutes)

Published by: Reverse NZ - April, 2022

Red Divider Line
Red Divider Line

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