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Professor David S Ludwig -

Main web page for: David S Ludwig, Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Leading Voices in Food Podcast: "We've Had it Backwards. A New Model Explains Weight Gain and Obesity"

Renowned endocrinologist Dr. David Ludwig explains why traditional diets don’t work, and presents a radical new plan to nourish your body to health and feel great as you lose weight without hunger.

Ludwig received a PhD and an MD from Stanford University School of Medicine. He completed an internship and residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in pediatric endocrinology at Boston Children's Hospital.

Scientific Publications.

Red Divider Line

Professor David Ludwig

"Dr David Ludwig - Nutrition Seminar"

David S Ludwig (57 minutes)

David Ludwig - 2 Feb 2022

Red Divider Line

"The REAL Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight"

"The REAL Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight"

David Ludwig (13 minutes)

Jesse Chappus - 28 Jan 2023

Red Divider Line

Childhood Obesity at the Crossroads of Science and Social Justice

Dr Bret Scher and Dr David Lubwig (24 minutes)

Metabolic Mind - 9 May 2023

Red Divider Line
Red Divider Line

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