Dr Atkins understood the true causes of Type II Diabetes, but he didn't have a laboratory. What he did have was meticulous records of thousands of patients.
This book has been the "Diabetes Bible" for people since 1997. Sadly, the American Diabetes Association was a strong critic and actively opposed what Dr Bernstein was recommending. Fortunately it appears that those days are behind us.
Base your meals on quality protein and natural fats. Seek nourishment. Avoid carbohydrates that provide excess energy.
Tracy Brown, in the new CEO of the American Diabetes Association. She is herself using a low carbohydrate diet, and the ADA, has backed away from it's previous position.
This glucose spike is a serious problem if you are a diabetic individual. It MUST be controlled by diet, and blood sugars need to be normal if the individual is to live a normal long life. A low carbohydrate diet allows the type I diabetic to use the "Law of Small Numbers" to keep spikes very low to flat.
Insights from an 8-year general practice service evaluation of a lower carbohydrate diet with weight loss? From BMJ Nutrition
Conclusions: A practical primary care-based method to achieve remission of T2D is described. A low-carbohydrate diet-based approach was able to achieve major weight loss with substantial health and financial benefit. It resulted in 20% of the entire practice T2D population achieving remission. It appears that T2D duration less than 1 year represents an important window of opportunity for achieving drug-free remission of diabetes. The approach can also give hope to those with poorly controlled T2D who may not achieve remission, this group had the greatest improvements in diabetic control as represented by HbA1c.
Death by Sugar - Video by Jorge Cruise (4 Min)
All chronic disease develops over a long time, without any obvious symptoms. So there should be ample opportunity to intervene. What are we looking for? (3min)
Dr. Sarah Hallberg was wearing a continuous glucose monitor. (CGM)
In New Zealand legs like this are common among teenagers. Obesity now, metabolic system already dysregulated, and Type II Diabetes in 10 years time. Unlikely to live beyond 60 years.
Dr Joseph Kraft, tested thousands of people with a glucose tolerance test. Insulin hides the glucose spike, and a fasting blood glucose test can't see that. A fasting insulin test would identify it. You need to pay for the fasting insulin test in NZ, and doctors avoid it. That is why, you discover the damage that's being done 20 or 30 years later.
According to authorities you need a high carbohydrate for energy, because glucose if the preferred fuel of the body. The brain alone requires you to eat 280gm of carbohydrate a day (Three meals each with 60gm of carbohydrate). Those who exercise need even more.
The story about the brain alone needing 130gm of carbohydrate each day, is based on a mistake, early data was misreported. Later, George Cahill showed that ketones are the preferred fuel for the brain, the heart and the mitochondria. There are no essential carbohydrates, so we don't need to eat any at all. However, most people enjoy the sweetness of them.
The Kraft Test shows the hidden illness in the community. A test for fasting glucose doesn't reveal diabetes if insulin is still able to return blood sugars to normal during an overnight fast. The Glucose Tolerance Test, tests the insulin response for several hours after taking a 75ml drink of glucose. People who are pre-diabetic are exposed by this test.
We know that blood glucose should be fairly constant, and that glucose spikes are harmful. Insulin is NOT the "magic hormone" that protects you against high blood sugars. Dr Joseph Kraft shows that the main damage to the body over time is the driving force of excess insulin, leading to fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. In other words chronic high insulin (hyperinsulinemia) causes Metabolic Syndrome.
Type 1 diabetics usually live shorter lives. But if you learn to control insulin use, that need not happen as Dr. Bernstein has shown.
Dr R D Lawrence in the UK, was one of the first to recommend a low carbohydrate diet for type 1 diabetes.
Dr Troy Stapleton is a Type I diabetic. His medical training did not teach him anything useful about diet.
Eating under control for the first time.
Central obesity is a key indicator that the metabolic system is broken. Insulin resistance is a strong indicator of poor health. The good news is that insulin resistance can be reversed in a few days with the correct diet and then your body can begin to heal itself.
Humans are social animals. We are tribal, and we work best in groups, just like dogs.
Jim lost over 200 pounds. He had Type II Diabetes. Now in the normal range. Reversal possible? Yes; according the Virta Health, and Dr David Unwin.
The Banting Diet saved Mick.
Man Boobs are not the worst. Internal fat is the real problem, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or worse, alcoholic fatty liver disease. Your metabolic system is disabled.
Metabolic Syndrome Kills you Slowly