Strong Personal Commitment
Most of us make a strong commitment to some group or activity. That requires a heavy personal investment of time and effort. There may also be quite a significant financial investment. This becomes activity what other people recognise us for, and sometimes how we describe ourselves. This is our point of strength.
For us the choice of taking up this voluntary role helps to define who we are and what we stand for. An interest can become a hobby, then an obsession and later, maybe, your profession.
During this transition, over several years, some of our friends or family may think that we over-invest in this activity.
Becoming committed to the Banting diet, is a significant change, and it shouldn't be taken lightly. There is a lot to learn, and you'll travel much more quickly and with fewer false turns, if you don't try to do it solo.
Get Support for Your Dietary Change
Make Faster Progress, Join a Group - Banting for Health
In joining a group, your own vision of yourself can change, you will become a member of a purposeful community. Your Banting group will become for you, a community of practice. It's in this group that the rules of "how you live the Banting lifestyle" can be taught and reinforced. It's here that you develop self-confidence and the social skills to make Banting for health, a permanent part of your life.
Learning all you need to know.
We learn best and almost without effort when we are with people we know and trust.
Of course, you can learn by reading a book, or a website, but understanding takes time. If we can talk to others and work with them our ability to use new concepts develops rapidly.
If we choose to invest heavily in Banting, we will develop expertise and knowledge that few people have. There is an opportunity then, to confirm your choice, by taking the message about Banting for Health, to other people.
When others begin to recognise your growing knowledge, opportunities to take up leadership roles will develop.
You become a member when you begin to take part in the discussions. You are recognised as a peer when other people begin to respond to your knowledge. In your role as a member and peer, you are able to give to and to tap the full resources of the group.