Ten Health Commandments

From George V Mann

1. Be physically active.

2. Eat ONE main meal a day. People eat too much and too often.

3. Eat a variety of foods each day.

4. Eat seafood at least three times a week.

5. Eat one serving of red meat every day (At least 3 ounces).

6. Be careful with both alcohol and tobacco.

7. Avoid margarine and vegetable based cooking oils

8. Drink more plain water.

9. Seek calcium and avoid phosphate.

10. Avoid sodium (common salt) and seek potassium.

Dr Mann died at the age of 95.


George v Mann - Physician

Study of the Maasai

Photo George V Mann - The Maasai 1962 – Noted for tallness and fitness

Mann did 1546 Maasai physical examinations. Must have been boring work.

No diabetes

No heart disease – high cholesterol - (He did 400 electrocardiograms)

No cancer

Maasai diet, meat, milk and blood - A Ketogenic diet

This was still an age of fact collecting.

There was no accepted nutritional paradigm, however that is about to change. When it did, George Mann was a very harsh critic of the McGovern Report.

He did his own quick study of 1000 people, to demonstrate that the dietary recommendations were wrong, but his employer refused him permission to publish his results.

Mann knew from his work in Africa that the recommendations connecting heart disease and high blood cholesterol must also be wrong, but he wasn't heeded.

"The diet-heart hypothesis has been repeatedly shown to be wrong, and yet, for complicated reasons or pride, profit and prejudice, the hypothesis continues to be exploited by scientists, fund-raising enterprises, food companies and even governmental agencies. The public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the century." George V. Mann

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