Your Life: Your Decision

You should not try to pass the responsibility for you own health to your dietitian and your doctor. Use their services, but attend with your own knowledge. Be prepared to challenge their suggestions. As you've seen from the research the Credit Suisse Research Institute has done, that more than half the medical professionals are outdated in their ideas about diet, they still don't understand the new research on cholesterol, and about 80% are lipophobic.

The sensible way to educate yourself, is to keep a hard covered exercise book, where you write down the new things you are learning. A health journal.

I also print quite a few articles, that I read and mark with a highlighter. It's useful to staple the article pages together, and to write on the front page key words about the content.

In a real diary A5 size, I write a few details about changes I've noticed in myself. I used to write details of meals eaten. That is helpful when beginning a dietary change.

In that diary today I mostly write things I'm noticing about my own health. Recording some measurements. Noticing small things like changes in my stool, which reflects your diet in interesting ways. I'm still learning things that are helping me to fine tune what I've been doing.



Self Education is Your Key to Better Health


The Internet is Friend and Foe

Yourself Sadly the sites on the internet that should be most trustworthy, are outdated and misleading. They are under pressure to do better and slowly, very slowly the quality is improving.

In most of the "official" health sites, from the Ministry of Health, for instance, it's difficult to get any really useful information. To get that you usually need to read the blogs of some of the doctors and health journalists who publish online.


There's little or no money in publishing books today. Online books are quite useful. The ability to search the text for a term you need to research is valuable. I've now got hard copies of books that I have first purchased as a ebook.

Scientific Papers

Today you can at least get the abstract of all the scientific papers from online sources. You can often get the paper itself without paying a fee. The most interesting papers are sometimes written about in science magazines, and discussion of the article may also be provided. Blogs often talk about papers and give the source so you can follow up. Lots to learn.

Thank you for your attention; I hope the lecture was useful to you.
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