Open Future Health

How to Fatten Livestock

Farmers have fed carbohydrates to prepare livestock for slaughter for centuries.

Good News: You don't need to prepare yourself for slaughter. Too many of us are doing that. Stop.

How Not to Become Like a Fat Pig

Simply do the opposite of what we do to fatten livestock.

Eat fewer carbohydrates. NO corn, or wheat, or barley.

Local FileStop having cereals and toast for breakfast. It's low fat, but it makes you fat.

Take a walk every day. The exercise won't use many calories, walking is not for weight loss; the exercise is to keep your brain healthy.

The Best Weight Loss Diet

We now KNOW how to reduce our weight. Local FileAll the sensible weight loss diets have the same key ideas.

Stop eating: That's pretty basic. It works. Fasting diets do that.

Eat different foods, in particular, STOP eating ALL the obvious sugars.

And stop eating most or all of the obvious carbohydrates.

The New Atkins Diet, the Paleo Diet, the Banting Diet, and various Ketogenic Diets, all take you on that journey.

How to Fatten Livestock

To Fatten Pigs.

Fat PigFeed them on skim milk. (NOTE: Skim milk is Low Fat Milk.)

Corn is cheap, and it fattens pigs very quickly.

Keep them in crates.

If pigs are fed a diet supplemented by waste from a candy factory, they eat much more food, and they fatten much quicker.

To Fatten Cattle

Keep them in closed quarters, or a feeding yard.

Yellow corn is the basic food for quickly fattening cattle.

Wheat or barley could be used, but corn is cheaper and better.

Adding molasses or sugar cane juice to the feed, encourages the animals to eat more.

Human Diets

We use low-fat milk to "reduce" our weight. How can that be sensible?

Almost every processed product we eat is "low fat" but sweetened. Why Sweetened? Because like the livestock then you'll eat more.

Television is your crate. You sit in your crate every night, eating.

Carbohydrates are "cheap food" so on any budget, you'll try to "fill up" as cheaply as possible.

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