Five/Six metabolic disorders with a single common cause
Doctors are still treating people with metabolic syndrome "diseases" as though they have six different medical problems. Prof. Gerald Reaven, makes the point that there is one problem, your diet. The Banting Diet, promoted by this site and
The Real Meal Revolution, is a solution to how you should change your diet.
It's well known, that in older people at least, it's very hard
to lose weight on the recommended low-fat diet. Apparently over time, when high daily carbohydrate supply is good (excessive?), our metabolism changes and we become carbohydrate intolerant.
When you have insulin as the dominant hormone, any excess glucose (or carbohydrate that is turned into glucose) will be converted into stored fat. Your control over insulin, is in choosing what to eat. No sugar, and no carbohydrate in the diet, turns off the demand for insulin.
With a glucose metabolism, stopping fat accumulation, requires choosing not to eat food you would like to eat.
High Blood Pressure
We've been told to reduce salt in the diet. High blood pressure is another indicator of carbohydrate intolerance in your body. Salt is necessary for the body and people suffer brain dysfunction, fatigue, weakness, as well as leg cramps if their salt levels are low. A LCHF diet, will bring blood pressure down.
High Fasting Triglycerides
Triglycerides are fatty acids, and high fasting triglycerides are associated with future heart disease. In the presence of insulin, excess triglycerides are stored as fat. In the absence of insulin, they are burned as energy. That's why, fasting triglycerides can be low, in spite of a high-fat diet.
High Blood Serum Insulin
Over time poor diet causes insulin resistance to develop, finally becoming type 2 diabetes. The best way to correct this problem is to control insulin release by eating a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet. It's said that 100% of the people who get
Alzheimer's disease are severely insulin resistant. Most of them are also diabetic. There is a simple easy solution, but it requires a change of lifestyle.
Gout is a response to excess uric acid in the blood serum. That is also a metabolic problem. If you suffer from gout, in the transition from a glucose metabolism to a ketone metabolism, the gout will get worse. However, once the use of ketones is normalised, the gout should go away.
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease
Dr Eugene Fine, of the Mount Sinai Hospital demonstrated in about 2010, that insulin restriction was an effective therapy even with advanced cancers. Apparently some slow-growing cancers like prostate cancer, are not easily weakened by this approach. But most fast growing cancers are glucose dependent. Dr. Dominic D'Agostino is very
active online discussing his current work in this field.