
Part Seven:

Professionals Oppose the Paradigm.

(About 18 minutes)

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Preface to Part Seven A long list of Professionals are Advocating Change

Dr Robert Atkins - The Atkins Diet Revolution - Pre-science - Quality Clinical Records

Dr Stephen Phinney - "My answers were always wrong." burning fat for energy - like Frederick Schwatka - "Nobody was interested"

Dr Richard Bernstein - Type One Diabetic - Ignored - Opposition from Am. Diabetes Association

Dr Annika Dahlqvist - Doctor on a Ketogenic Diet - Professional status challenged

Swedish Experts Committee verdicts are final - Dr Dahlqvist - best practice- weight loss - people with diabetes

Dr Robert Lustig ""The Bitter Truth About Sugar" - diabetes - obesity

Jennifer Elliott - Australian Dietician - Dismissed from her Hospital Position

Dr Gary Fettke - Australian Surgeon - Three Dietitians lodged a formal challenge to his professional status.

Hybrid or Not? - Glucose Metabolism - Fatty-Acid Metabolism - Balanced Diet?

Science Conflict in Tim Noakes' Trial"

Dr Tim Noakes on Trial for "unprofessional conduct." Ten issues in dispute - Noakes wins ten-Zero

Prof. Grant Schofield and Caryn Zinn - The New Paradigm in NZ - A quiet call for dietary change.

Prof. Jim Mann - The Old Paradigm Fights Back - Protecting the Status-Quo

Skip to Part Eight: Sources of Expertise and Some Suggestions

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