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Dr Rhonda Patrick - research on aging, cancer, and nutrition.

Main web page for: Dr Rhonda Patrick, Nutrition and Metabolism Center, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute

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Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis TN.

The most reliable way to treat ageing is to prevent it. The earlier we start, the better shot we have of making a large cumulative effect over the course of our lives.

Found My Fitness

There is an excellent presentation of Rhonda Patrick's latest work on this page.

The Longevity & Brain Benefits of Vigorous Exercise

Dr. Rhonda Patrick (61 minutes)

Published by: FoundMyFitness - 6 Dec 2023

This episode challenges common perceptions about exercise, delving deep into the benefits of vigorous exercise for not just physical health but also brain function, aging, and even cancer prevention. It tackles fundamental questions, like what genetic and metabolic adaptations occur with vigorous exercise and how it can contribute to combating heart's age-related changes. We also unpack how these rigorous exercises affect glucose transport, mitochondrial health, and brain health at an intricate level. Lastly, it introduces practical applications like the Norwegian 4x4 interval training protocol, the benefits of "exercise snacks," and how to incorporate vigorous-intensity exercise into everyday life.

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This Is Rhonda Patrick's Number One Nutrition Framework

Dr. Rhonda Patrick (11 minutes)

Published by: FoundMyFitness - 24 Apr 2024

In this video, Rhonda Patrick details:
• Why she focuses her diet around obtaining micronutrients
• The foods you should eat more of to obtain magnesium
• How to get more omega-3s in your diet
• How to know if you're getting enough omega-3s with an omega-3 index test
• The life expectancy benefits of omega-3s
• Why not getting enough omega-3s is comparable to smoking
• How not getting enough magnesium can cause osteoporosis
• Why people who frequently sweat need 10-20% more magnesium than the RDA

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How Vitamin D, Omega-3s, & Exercise May Increase Longevity

Dr. Rhonda Patrick (60 minutes)

Published by: FoundMyFitness - 10 Nov 2023

This episode features Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., and was originally recorded for the Institute for Functional Medicine's podcast, 'Pathways to Wellbeing.' This episode outlines a series of fundamental tactics you can start applying immediately to enhance cellular health, protect the nervous system, elevate mood, reduce inflammation, promote muscle and bone function, and help prevent chronic disease.

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Rhonda Patrick Goes in Depth on the Benefits of Omega-3s

Dr. Rhonda Patrick (16 minutes)

Published by: FoundMyFitness - 10 Nov 2023

80% of people globally (and ~95% of people in the US) don't get enough EPA & DHA. Why does this matter? For one, just as many deaths per year are attributable to trans fans as they are to not consuming enough EPA/DHA. Other key benefits of EPA/DHA include reduced inflammation (a key driver of the aging process) and protection against disuse atrophy.

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How to Improve Metabolic Health with HIIT, Circadian-Timed Eating, & Sleep

Dr. Rhonda Patrick (50 minutes)

Published by: FoundMyFitness - 11 Oct 2024

Exercise, meal timing, and sleep—what do they have in common? They’re three simple yet powerful tools we all have at our disposal for optimizing metabolic health, a critical factor in determining how well we age. Even slightly elevated blood glucose levels, still within the "normal" range, can accelerate brain atrophy, targeting critical areas like the hippocampus and amygdala, both linked to aging and neurodegeneration. On top of that, long-term elevations in glucose, marked by a high HbA1c, can also lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which stiffen blood vessels, reduce heart elasticity, and increase the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

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These Are the 7 Best Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Dr. Rhonda Patrick (23 minutes)

Published by: FoundMyFitness - 4 Oct 2024

• Why sugar-sweetened beverages are one of the top dietary sources of inflammation (and how they affect LDL particle numbers)
• Her number 1 supplement for reducing inflammation
• How low omega-3 intake is responsible for just as many yearly deaths as trans fats
• What to do for heat stress if you don't have access to a sauna
• The cheapest way to boost your sulforaphane intake

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See the pre-2025 page about RhondaPatrick.
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