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Professor Peter Brukner, OAM, MBBS, FACSP, FACSM, FASMF

Main web page for: Prof. Peter Brukner, Professor of Sports Medicine at La Trobe University in Melbourne.

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How I Transformed My Health.

Up until about 30 years ago most Western societies ate a diet containing plenty of saturated fat in the form of butter, milk, cream and fatty meats.  Then on the basis of some flimsy research, the U.S initially, followed by other countries, decided to adopt a low fat diet.  It seemed to make sense and was an easy concept to sell – fatty foods lead to fat people with fatty arteries leading to cardiovascular disease. The only problem is that it hasn’t worked!

Prof. Peter Brukner

Chairman of Defeat Diabetes Australia

From LinkedIn


Peter Brukner is a specialist sports and exercise physician with a special interest in nutrition. Peter is the founding partner and Chair of the not-for-profit charity SugarByHalf, and the app-based program Defeat Diabetes. Peter is the founding partner of Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre in Melbourne and Professor of Sports Medicine at Latrobe University. A founding Executive Member of the Australasian College of Sports Physicians, he served two terms as President and played a key role in establishing sports medicine as a medical specialty in Australia. Peter is the co-author of the widely used text book Clinical Sports Medicine and has been team physician for professional football clubs as well as national athletics, swimming, soccer and men’s hockey teams including Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Peter was the Socceroos Team Doctor at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, Head of Sports Medicine and Sports Science at Liverpool Football Club from 2010-2012 and Australian cricket team doctor form 2012-17.

Defeat Diabetes

Defeat Diabetes is Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses.

Founded by Dr. Peter Brukner OAM with support from a medical advisory panel of doctors and dietitians, the Defeat Diabetes Program is delivered via a mobile app. It provides 100+ hours of video from health professionals, masterclasses, cooking demonstrations, 60+ recipes, a meal planner, and a rich library of resources, with new content regularly added.

Created by Australians, for Australians, the Defeat Diabetes Program simply and effectively enables Australians to take control of their pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

To be amongst the first to join the Defeat Diabetes Program and take advantage of the special introductory offer for annual membership, download the Defeat Diabetes app on the Apple Store or Google Play, or visit to learn more.  #defeatdiabetes

Dr. Peter Brukner - 'Why Low Carb?'

Public Comment: Last winter, I was 223.5 lbs, yet exercising a lot.  Was still gaining weight and feeling unwell.  About to turn 53, no energy.  Decided to cut bread and sugar, added more beef, bacon and eggs, along with avocado and more veggies.  Pretty much most of what he is talking about, I went through.  In 5 months, I lost 63 lbs, and find it easy to maintain my weight since hitting goal weight 4 months ago.  Bloodwork, vital signs, fitness and sense of well being vastly improved and still improving.  Low Carb is the better way of life. (52 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Downunder - October, 2019

Red Divider Line

Dr. Peter Brukner - 'Inflammation'

Public Comment: I am doing a PhD in Immunology and I think that chronic inflammation is the root of +90% of modern diseases.  When I switched to keto for the first time, I wanted to see how my body reacts to it.  A blood test for inflammation (CRP) was done.  The CRP was not detectable, meaning that at the very least, the ketogenic diet was not inflammatory. (46 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Downunder - May, 2019

Red Divider Line

Chronic disease. Does what we eat make any difference?

Dr. Peter Brukner (29 minutes)

Published by: Low-Carb Conferences - October - 2023

Red Divider Line

Peter Brukner's Guide to LCHF Living

Red Divider Line

Recommended Book


Like most doctors, Peter Brukner was trained to believe that drugs and surgery are the answers to all medical problems – including the epidemics of obesity, diabetes and other ‘modern illnesses’ that are threatening our healthcare system and the life expectancy of future generations.  For years he was dismissive of any ‘alternative’ diets or lifestyle changes. 

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