Holford obtained a BSc in experimental psychology from the University of York in 1979.[1][2] As a psychology student he became interested in the biochemistry of mental health problems. His research brought him in contact with Carl Pfeiffer and Abram Hoffer, both of whom claimed success in treating mental illness with nutritional therapy.
In 1984 Holford founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION).[3] At that institute he has worked on nutritional approaches to clinical depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and eating disorders.[citation needed] In 1995 the Board of Trustees of ION (of which he was a director) awarded him an Honorary Diploma in Nutritional Therapy.
Holford has been the subject of criticism for his promotion of medically dubious techniques and products including hair analysis, his support of the now struck-off doctor Andrew Wakefield and advocating the use of "non-drug alternatives for mental health", for which he has been given an award by the Church of Scientology-backed Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
[Open Future Health] Partick Holford has been decried for promoting the use of supplemants for health, particularly for brain health. Some of his ideas are easy to criticise. But given the work of Prof. Bonnie Kaplan and Prof. Julia Rucklidge, detailed in the book
"The Better Brain", where the concept of improving brain nutrition with high dose vitamins was proven, maybe Patrick Holford's ideas need to be re-evaluated.
Top Foods for Brain Health | Patrick Holford’s Nutrition Tips
Dr. Ron Ehrlich with Patrick Holford (78 minutes)
Published by: Unstress Health - 2 Sept 2024
What’s driving Alzheimer’s?
Patrick Holford (42 minutes)
Published by: Public Health Collaboration - 7 Nov 2023
Panel Discussion - What’s driving Alzheimer’s and how to prevent it?
Prof. Benjamin Bikman, Patrick Holford, Dr Georgia Ede, Dr Bob Gill.
Chaired by Dr Joanne McCormack (34 minutes)
Published by: Public Health Collaboration - 14 Nov 2023