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Dr Gary Fettke - Surgeon

The AHPRA investigation also raised concerns about things he was posting on his website and social media accounts, saying his posts online may be misinterpreted by people who might conclude that reducing sugar could slow or cure cancer.

Doctor Forbidden to Speak

In Tasmania, Dr Fettke runs a very successful clinic for obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome.

Gary Fettke advocates LCHF diet for diabetics, “so I can stop removing feet by surgical procedure.”

However his public criticism of the dietary guidelines and his comments about the dietary prevention of cancer have annoyed some professional peers. The case arose in 2014 after the first of three anonymous DAA dietitians lodged complaints against Fettke with AHPRA. Chief among the complaints was that he advised LCHF diets to patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

After a 2 1/2 year investigation, in 2016, (despite no incidence of patient harm) the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency decided he was not qualified to give nutritional advice. They ‘silenced’ him with a lifelong, non appealable ban from ever talking to his patients, or the wider community “in particular that he does not provide specific advice or recommendations on the subject of nutrition and how it relates to the management of diabetes, or the treatment and/or prevention of cancer.”

Dr Gary Fettke

Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Nutrition and Inflammation'

(35 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Downunder - June, 2017


Gary Fettke is an Orthopedic Surgeon in Tasmania.

He's also got brain cancer. Diagnosed in 2000. He's using LCHF to control his cancer he had surgery and radio therapy too.

Cancers are glucose dependent. If your body is burning fatty acids, there is little access to glucose, and your cancer has a problem.

Gary's giving his cancer a hard time, combined with standard therapy, the tumor is reduced and apparently inactive.

When combined with other procedures many cancers are now being defeated without surgery.

navThe video attached to this ABC news item is valuable.

"Dr. Gary Fettke: The Role of Nutrition in Everything"

(58 minutes)
( minutes)

Published by: CrossFit®: Published on 18 Aug 2017

During his talk, which is equal parts biology lesson and food-industry history, Fettke speaks out against the ideological misinformation and vested interests that have corrupted how we eat. He asks why, when we are told that the Standard American Diet is not a healthy diet, the mind turns to a vegetarian diet as the most likely alternative. That idea isn't there by accident, it has a long history. “With the right education,” he says, "my patients can be helped. The system can also be helped, and so can the environment and the planet."

Diet Doctor Podcast #30 — Dr. Gary Fettke

Public Comment: "Sad part is how many people don't find this kind of information even when they become ill unless they take charge of their own health and research on their own." (56 minutes)

Published by: Diet Doctor - October, 2019

'The Evolution of Plant Based Dietary Guidelines'

Belinda Fettke is a former Registered Nurse, photographer and the proud Co-Founder of 'Nutrition For Life' in Launceston which provides medically based nutritional care around Tasmania and Australia. (20 minutes)

Published by: Low Carb Downunder: - January, 2018

Belinda Fettke, unlike her husband was not forbidden to speak in Australia. In this video she explains how here husband was subjected to a ban, and the source of that banning, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and the Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company.

In her "FoodMed" blog, Marika Sboros writes in detail about this case.
Red Divider Line

'Carbohydrate: The Dose Is The Poison!'

Dr. Gary Fettke (40 minutes)

Published by: LowCarb Downunder

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12 December, 2017