Ann Childers
What we eat affects our mood & the importance of using nutritional knowledge to improve our mental health.
Dr Childers has a passion for the low-carbohydrate diet and how nutrition affects the brain.
As a child she had bad ADHD symptoms. She learnt what junk foods made her feel bad and affected her mental performance. Dr Ann has seen how patients can be diagnosed with a psychiatric condition, but they are actually suffering effects from a bad diet.
"Stone Age Body, Space Age Diet"
Diet Doctor: Published on 11 Apr 2016
(46 minutes)
Psychiatrist Dr. Ann Childers’ presentation from the Low Carb Cruise 2015, on how our modern diet does not fit our ancient bodies. Perhaps the gut, rather than teeth, is a better predictor of what we are designed to eat?
In this lecture I explain 3 things:
1. Why I believe humans are carnivores
2. Eating for dental health enhances physical and mental health
3. Low carb, high fat eating is “the bomb” for dental and mental health, particularly for people with pre-diabetes and diabetes.
The WHO and Meat
The World Health Organization has a longstanding reputation for discouraging meat, and red meat in particular.
In defense of dietary meat, I note the following:
Heme iron from meats (higher in red meat) is the most bioavailable iron source in the human diet (Iron Facts);
Iron deficiency is on the rise in America in women of reproductive age (if these women become pregnant they may have complicated pregnancies and their infants may be born with permanent cognitive disabilities, or may acquire such disabilities within the first three years of life) (Research Facts)
The bulk of iron deficiency is seen in children, whose natural developmental requirements render them particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency-related disability (Research Facts);
Longstanding iron deficiency in young children is associated with permanent cognitive impairments, even when iron is restored (Research Facts);
At least 15% of American children (1 in 7) currently have developmental disabilities (
Developmental Disabilities - Facts).
Iron deficiency/iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide (Micronutrient deficiencies - Facts).
So I ask, is a move by the World Health Organization to discourage consumption of meat the most helpful dietary strategy for the health of nations?
Dr Childres may not know that the Seventh Day Adventist Church is a "partner" of the WHO, so it's probably just another case of "who pays the piper calls the tune." (OFH)
Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends infants be weaned to meats and vegetables.
"Nutritional Psychiatry & How Nutrition Affects Mental Health"
Biohackers Lab: Published on 14 Jul 2017
(51 minutes)
Dietary Guidelines
If the Dietary Guidelines for Americans were just guidelines, America could take them or leave them. But the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are mandates. They mandate the contents of school lunch programs, SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for low income women, children and families), influence hospital food and more.
What do you think? Do you agree with Eat Drink Politics that money talks? Or is advice provided by sponsored national organizations in the United States and Australia unbiased and objective, funding sources notwithstanding?
Depressed Much? Starches and Sweets Could Be To Blame
A diet bad for your waistline could also be bad for your mental health, researchers find. Refined sugars and starches were associated with depression in post menopausal women in a large study called the Women’s Health Initiative. Refined sugars and starches can be found in commercial breakfast cereals, bread, cookies, cakes, candies, muffins, protein and energy bars, energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice, sports gels, grain and potato products, pizza, chips, and more.