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Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt - The diet Doctor

The Diet Doctor

Subscription Services

Do I have to pay to benefit from this site?
All the membership material is free to check out for a month. Should you stay a member for more than one month you are supporting the production of ever more great free material for everyone.

The material on the membership pages can not be produced for free. It’s the full-time job of a number of people, as well as costly equipment. However, you can check it all out for free – if you can do so within one free month.

The membership site contains knowledge from many of the world’s leading experts, packaged as professionally and simply as possible. Including many things that surprised me even though I thought I knew almost everything already. Additionally, membership fees support the free Diet Doctor site. So you can help other people to learn what you already know.

The Diet Doctor - Andreas Eenfeldt - Sweden

Diet Doctor

Towards a brighter future

Our plan for 2016 is to make low carb simple. We aim to vastly improve our guides to effortless weight loss, vibrant health and mind-blowing diabetes reversal on low carb. And become the world’s most trustworthy, simple and inspirational place for it.

Couldn’t all this be financed by advertising or sponsorship instead?
No. That would require selling our credibility and we’d never do that. is completely independent from the food and pharmaceutical industries, we don’t accept a penny from them. Not in the past, not now, not in the future. Never.

We launched a more basic membership site on our Swedish site in June 2014 and we were astounded by the support shown. In January 2016 there were over 8,000 Swedish members supporting us – and more are joining every month. This English membership site was launched in April 2015 and passed 1,000 members within days. There are now (May 2016) over 15,000 total members and the number continues to grow rapidly. Every cent contributed is used for getting closer to our ultimate goal: empowering people everywhere to revolutionize their health.

We are a new and small organization still (7 full-time employees and 20+ part-timers/freelancers/moderators) but we are growing exponentially, thanks to the support of ever more readers and members.

But even that important task is just a beginning. We have bigger ideas for the future, beyond the present goals.

The health problems that the world faces are huge, the suffering is massive and in many ways it is getting worse. Many of those health problems are not necessary. They can be prevented or even cured. Someone must make that happen.

We need to work on getting closer to the truth. We need to willingly discard failed old ideas, remove the plague of biased misinformation caused by industry funding, and focus on the simple things that work.

Then the truth must be made easily available to the world, in a way that inspires people to improve their lives and reach for their potential.

We will do whatever we can to achieve that. We’ll keep working towards our purpose. Empowering people everywhere to revolutionize their health.

The Diet Doctor

Sometimes important things have small beginnings and the Diet Doctor organization began in a very small way. It began in 2007 with the blog of a family doctor, Andreas Eenfeldt. And it started with the observation that patients were not getting healthier.

Doctors are supposed to help people become healthy. But most of Dr. Eenfeldt’s job turned out to be giving people more pills.

Dr. Eenfeldt went searching online for a better way to treat common and apparently life-long problems like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. What he found shocked him.

There was another way, a way that did not just focus on drugs to cover up the symptoms of disease. People had known about this for decades, perhaps even centuries. New science proved that it worked.

Fortunately there was a new and effective way to spread knowledge widely to anyone who was interested: starting a blog. So in 2007 Dr. Eenfeldt started the blog “Kostdoktorn” – a Swedish word that means “Diet Doctor”. The goal was to make it simple for anyone to learn about low carb, high fat nutrition and discuss their results.

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