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Better Personal Health Is Possible
Medical, dental and hospital care, a large part of what we call public health, is a sickness treatment system, it's not the source of good health. Good health is created in your home, at work and in community activity. Good health is the result hundreds of small daily decisions, and for yourself, almost all of those decisions are ones that you yourself make. So be responsible for your own health. Improve your decision making.
To do that you need to improve your own health knowledge. This site in intended to help you to do that. We all have a great deal of health knowledge of course, but much of what any of us can know is contaminated with propaganda and myth. Re-learning about health is not something you can do in an hour or two. It will take a few months, but don't let that daunt you. It's very doable, the important thing is to begin, and as you proceed quietly make changes in your life. It's possible to make remarkable change in two or three months, and improvements in your knowledge and understanding will continue for many months, probably years.
Sadly, most people never start. "My doctor says that my health is good." "I've always eaten a healthy diet, and I walk often." "I'm a nurse and my health knowledge is very good." "I'm just a little overweight." "I've just got a little diabetes." Statements like that are self-sabotage. Often trained health professionals are themselves over-confident that they know how to be healthy. They are often the most resistant to new knowledge, because the old understanding is comfortable, and the new ideas seem to be contrary to what we were taught. A simple example; that low fat diets are the best way to lose weight. That's wrong, proven wrong, but the myth still persists.
If you are new to Banting, to Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes the new front part of the website has nine pages of quality information that will give you background knowledge and some hope that you can make progress. Open Future Health suggests you explore that part of the site first.

The Elephant in the Room. "Forbidden conversations."
The Problem is SILENCE about Our Normal Health
Silence runs in families, it's not permitted to talk about the obesity of other family members. "It's none of your business." We've got unhealthy children, adults developing diabetes, older people with joint problems, loss of strength, living with pain, and Alzheimer's disease coming and NOBODY can say "STOP THIS".
YOU CAN; not for other people, for YOURSELF.