Support for the Paradigm

Ancel Keys led the saturated fat debate.

Most doctors were sure high cholesterol caused heart attacks.

Keys had suggested the vegetable oils would reduce cholesterol levels. E.H. "Pete" Ahrens demonstrated that this was so.

Politicians were keen to sell as much grain as possible, and grain was cheap. Cheap food was wanted everywhere.

That glucose was essential for brain function, was common knowledge.

It's doubtful that anyone considered insulin sensitivity. Diabetes existed but it wasn't a very serious problem in the eyes of these politicians.

There was strong expectation that the committee would produce a good solution.

Both doctors and dietitians were keen to see the measure passed.


The Standard American Diet

The Paradigm Assumes


Dietary fat is fattening and damages the arteries to the heart. Saturated fat is “bad fat.”

High cholesterol is a cause of arterial disease and polyunsaturated vegetable oils are “good fat.”

Carbohydrates are the lowest cost calories and there are no damaging health implications from eating a high carbohydrate diet.

Carbohydrates are essential for muscle tissue energy and for healthy brain function.

That everyone is insulin sensitive. (Able to maintain consistent blood sugar levels.)