A Plan Designed to Fail

The plan looks impressive, there are 22 action points and four areas of responsibility.

Health Sector

The health sector is constrained. The are bound to dietary guidelines that have no basis in human biochemistry.

The diabetes guidelines for New Zealand still avoid identifying carbohydrate in the diet as the main cause of unstable blood sugar levels.

Physical Activity

The Swedish Experts Committee tell us the physical exercise is insignificant as a means of weight control. Recently the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans have removed all focus on using exercise as a primary way to reduce your weight.

"Over short periods of time, such as a year, research shows that it is possible to achieve weight stability by doing the equivalent of 150 to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity walking at about a 4 mile-an-hour pace."

Food Industry

The food industry Five Star Health rating guide is misleading to the extent of being fraudulent.

Advertising Milo as an energy drink for children is grossly abusive or those children.

Providing Weetbix in schools for breakfast is creating the diabetes problem for tomorrow.

Public Information

Sadly the public information being spread is causing the problem, not solving it.

NZ Ministry of Health

Childhood Obesity Plan


A key factor in obesity is poverty. Poor people buy the cheapest food. Most often that means even more carbohydrates. Potatoes, bread, pasta, and rice. Excess carbohydrates in the diet, are a problem. When insulin is "on" the body is trying to store fat.

The problem isn't in fast food shop, the main problem is in the supermarket. Breakfast foods, bread, baking supplies, cakes and biscuits, fruit juices, alcohol and soft drinks are the root of our obesity.

When you eat carbohydrates you cause glucose spikes in your blood. If you are healthy, insulin can deal with that, but when blood sugars fall you feel "hungry" again, so you are tempted to eat. This is Yo-Yo eating, causing insulin to be "on" all day, every day eventually makes you sick.