Paleo Diet

It's not possible in our modern society to eat in a manner like our ancient ancestors.

Much of the story around the Paleo Diet is mythical nonsense.

The best Paleo diets are ketogenic.

The quality of advice called "Paleo" is very variable.

Our vegetables are much bigger and less bitter, because of propagation.

Our food is much more calorie dense than the food found in the ancient forest.

Our fruit is larger and sweeter than ancient fruit.

We can eat strawberries all year around. That wasn't generally likely even 70 years ago.

Today, we eat a much smaller variety of food types. 3-4 types of meat, about 10 types of vegetables, 5-7 types of fruit, only about 3 types of grain. Our food is cultivated and selected, it's not anything like the wild food varieties it originated from.


Real Diets for Paleolithic Man

Any of the better Paleolithic diets are very close to what I'd recommend. The problem is that Paleo mythology is full of strange ideas that make little sense. So it depends entirely on the quality of the person you are talking to. This is the early-stone age. People didn't have permanent homes.


Regional Diet - all food was local.

People moved to find food. Summer and winter camps. Temporary dwellings.

Seafood was originally a significant part of the diet. Almost all the people on earth lived close to the sea because of the previous ice age.

Seasonable variability - Fresh - Food storage was an exception.

Preservative Free - Salt preserving unlikely. Some dried food.

Fermentation for preserving and packing dried fish in fat to preserve it was possible.

Great species diversity both in animals and plants in the diet.

Little or no agriculture, edible plants were small - contained bitter tasting toxins.

Small animals rather than large animals were the staple food.

Large animals when killed, enabled a community feast.

All animals were eaten nose to tail - Bone marrow - Offal meats.