How Hard is Ketogenic?

A Banting Breakfast

You will notice not having cereal and toast for breakfast. Poached or fried eggs without toast seems strange at first.


Once you get into Banting, snacks won't be a problem. Get biscuits and other carbohydrate snacks out of the house.

Have one quarter of an apple.

I've found the ideal snack is a sardine or a cooked muscle.

Try tea or coffee with a good slab of butter in it.


Lunch is usually easy. Make a salad.

Have fish or meat with it. Tinned salmon would be good.

Evening Meal

A plate with no potatoes and no rice might be strange for a few days.

You can add many other vegetables to the plate.

You can make sure you use fatty cuts of meat so you feel full after the meal

That cup of tea to finish off?

DON'T have a biscuit or bread with it, or you'll be eating again in no time.

Add butter or coconut oil to the drink. It will be satisfying.


Ketogenic Diets are Hard to Do?

The Dietary Guidelines Say:

LCHF diets are less safe, can't be maintained, will dramatically increase fasting triglyceride's, and increase heart disease risk.

The New Dietary Principles Say:

LCHF diets are proven safe: Easy to do, your triglyceride's always improve, and your heart disease risk goes down

Lipophobia - Fear of Fats

Fat Guy

All of us have had a fear of excessive fats drummed into us.

Many of us switched to margarine to be more healthy. That was a mistake.

We buttered our toast and scrapped off all the excess butter.

It takes time to put that fear behind you. Reading the research is never enough, you have to prove it in your own life.

It's unfair to ask your doctor or dietitian to make the decision to eat a lot more fat for you.

A Ketogenic diet is not difficult at all, but is different. You need to buy different foods, and you have to remove from the house some things you've used every day for years.