The Banting Diet

The Banting Diet gives you practical ways to control your eating.

The Banting Diet is science based. What you are trying to do makes complete sense.

You can begin slowly, get you diet moving in the right direction, while you take the time to learn more.

In the end you success depends on your knowledge, and on your support base.

The secret is to learn how to eat a diet that contains a lot more fat. You can't be both low carbohydrate and low fat. Your energy has to come from somewhere.

You can't succeed by eating a high protein diet, eventually that will also make you sick.

Please use this web site to learn all that you can, AND purchase some Skype time or Email Questions, so you can easily get help when you need it.


Facts About Giving up
High Carbohydrate Diets

We can easily minimise the carbohydrate in our diet.

Ketosis is possible, and easy to achieve

Extend your overnight fast, by having a carbohydrate free breakfast.

Excess insulin causes inflammation

So try to keep insulin "off" for most of the day every day.

Carbohydrate intolerance can develop over time.

If you've got metabolic syndrome that's already happened. If you are starting to have trouble controlling your weight it's happening to you now.

Insulin resistance is a response to excess insulin.

As carbohydrate intolerance/insulin resistance develops you begin to get sick, but you don't know it yet. Homeostasis is becoming disregulated.

Metabolic Syndrome develops.

This is the problem that creeps up on you, over 20 years. The cause is simple - your poor diet.

Obesity is driven if insulin is “ON”

Obesity is so unnecessary and driven by two types of poverty; poverty of knowledge, and financial poverty. A fat based diet is more expensive than a carbohydrate diet. Lipophobia is the result of believing propaganda and fear mongering. We need to improve our knowledge.

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