A Genuine Hybrid Fuel System

This man also has two fuel tanks, but you can tell by looking at him, that he's not aware of that.

The small tank, the Glucose Tank, contains about 2000kcal. It will keep him active for about a day, or about 3hrs running.

The big fuel tank, the Lipid Tank, he carries around. Theoretically it could sustain him for about six months, and his health would improve.

His Lipid Tank has not been used for years. I guess he's never lived through a famine.


Another Tanker With Two Fuel Systems

Glucose and Lipids (Fats)

Glucose includes stored glycogen: Lipids are body-fat, fatty-acids and ketones


The tiny fuel tank is the glucose in his blood and in the glycogen storage in his body cells. That fuel tank is full.

He carries at least 100,000kcal, as body fat. By the look of him, more like 600,000 kcal of fuel that he has no idea how to access.

He needs to learn a very simple thing. How to turn-off the flood of insulin in his blood. There is a simple way to do that. Begin a Banting or ketogenic diet.