Improve Your Own Knowledge

You can see from the statements on this page, that the public are badly informed and confused.

Please make the effort to not be confused yourself.

Read the information that Open Future provides for you here.

If you are still confused search online.

Choose your sources carefully. Unofficial sites like this one are able to talk freely about what the latest research is. "Official" sources are constrained by the need for many political, scientific and economic forces to agree on change. This can delay updates for years.

Sadly right at the moment the "Official" sources are not very helpful. That's why you need to have a talk with your doctor.


The Public Knowledge about Health Issues is also Poor

60% would like to eat more protein.

The amount of protein in your diet should be fairly stable. Protein is more expensive, and perhaps people on low budgets are right to say they need more protein. A Banting diet is NOT a high protein diet.

32% would like to eat more carbohydrates.

That's a mistake unless you need to put on weight.

Only 15% would choose to eat more fat.

Those people are right if they need to lose weight. But 60% of us need to eat more fat, and we don't know it.

53% chose to eat a low fat diet.

It's our low fat diet that causing our obesity. Most of us need to change that thinking.

66% thought eating cholesterol rich food is not good for your heart.

This is now WRONG. No doubt about it. However small dense LDL particles are a potential problem.