Open Future Health

Keep Engaged With the Banting Group

We need the support of other people. I've been careful here to credit WWW LinkThe Real Meal Revolution, for the help they gave me. Local FileSteve Phinney, Local FileJeff Volek, and Local FileTim Noakes, have added immensely to my understanding.

Those sources of knowledge will continue to produce new value, as they develop new contacts, knowledge and practices. You need to sustain a link to that knowledge root in some way.

Our diet has become unhealthy, because in our city living, we've become disconnected from real food and it's sources. Try to put more real food on your plate.

Who Am I?

Each of us is our own teacher.

When we are young, membership of the family is all that's critical to us, but as we go to school and later to work, the membership of peer groups, and many organisations, becomes critical to our ability to provide food clothing and shelter for ourselves, and to sustain our self-esteem.

We depend on the feedback we get from other people to maintain our self-image. If your weight is out of control, it becomes increasingly difficult to participate fully, in work and social activities. This may lead to depression.

Your Self Image

Colin Rose quoted in "The Learning Revolution," says, "Of all the things thrown up by our research, probably the most vital is this: our self image is the most important thing in determining whether we are good learners - or, frankly, whether we are good at anything else." (page 281)

So what in your life, is giving you self-esteem and creating value? Are you working, even as a volunteer, within a club or community group? Can you do something that is useful and appreciated by others.

Keep Engaged With the Banting Group

Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes

You may find that you are addicted to soda drinks, or to sugar.

Remove foods you should not eat from the house.

Stop buying sweets, chocolate and bags of potato chips.

Eliminate ice cream from the house.

Join an online group. Local FileSeek group support.

Find a Banting Mate who you can talk to about the process.

Local FileWrite in your Health Journal.

Go for a walk

Make yourself a salty drink, preferably make yourself a bone broth.

Excessive Weight

Excessive weight, can lead to loss of hope, to the inability to set goals and objectives, to the collapse of self-esteem and the confidence that people need to begin and complete important tasks. It becomes difficult to be effective, and your financial, social and emotional bases can become unstable.

Become aware of the behavior that signals potential problems.

Reaching Rock Bottom

A person hell-bent on self-destruction is not ready. You can self-disqualify yourself before you begin.

It's said of alcoholics and other addicted people that there is no recovery until the individual hits rock bottom. That's not strictly true. Understand what is happening. Want to do something about it. Then take action to stop the downward spiral.

If weight issues are your problem, the Local Filelow-carbohydrate high-fat diet, is your key to success. However, it's probably going to be a big change. It might take a year or so. You need to begin by getting your thinking right. Local FileKNOWLEDGE is the key to success.

Denial of Need and Self Blaming

People blame themselves, what they want more than anything else is to become again part of the mainstream. If weight is your problem, it's knowledge that you lack, it's not a problem of willpower.

I recommend that you Local Filejoin with like-minded others in a self-help group.

You can't buy membership. You may pay the membership fee, but to be a member you need to be recognised as a peer by others. Most often the real cost of membership is measured by what you do with your time as a group member.

Please accept this invitation to join the Banting Lifestyle Forum on Facebook, so you can continue your own health journey. This is a free public discussion group. Where you can ask questions and get help from group members or the moderators. Please use this link.

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