Open Future Health

Doing the Banting Beginners Course

I strongly recommend that take a course, as an introduction to LCHF dieting. We all have a large number of dietary ideas that either false or doubtful. Working through an educational program should sort-out most of that.

Good News: Take your time. There is good science and sound health advice here, but it's sometimes quite different to what you "know," so progress slowly. As your knowledge grows, as your practice improves, your hunger cravings will stop and your excess weight will vanish.

Life is much better when your weight is under control, and you are confident that your excess weight will never return. If you are confident that you will never feel hungry today, that changes your thinking, and how you organise your day. Local File To do that all you need is the right knowledge.

But the Real Meal Revolution found that to get proper benefits and so that your success is far better grounded, it takes much more than a five week course, that they offered five years ago.

This is the Real Meal Revolution offering today. Three Months of Training.

The Real Meal Revolution Web App - your resource of weight loss recipes, meal plans and a tracking dashboard to monitor your results.
A 12 Week Online Course - all the knowledge you need to hack your body and your weight.
The Habit Building Program - the tools and accountability you need to make your new healthy habits last.
A Live Workshop Series - connection with other members in face-to-face Zooms with our team.

This costs SA-Rand 1500. Which is about NZ$150.00

From the Real Meal Revolution the Original Masters of Banting.

BantingWWW LinkThe Banting Course for Beginners offered by The Real Meal Revolution, is a course I strongly recommend. While the course itself contains all the knowledge and information you need; at Open Future Health we entirely agree that the Five Week Course originally offered was too short.

WWW LinkYou can get all the latest details here.

To help you, there is a lot of information you can learn in this site. You can make a lot of progress if you begin NOW, to modify your diet towards the Banting ideal, and start to loose some weight. Local FileI suggest that you start slowly, because your ability to stick with the change will depend in the end on your knowledge.

Local FileIn the beginning, your knowledge base is weak, and worst much of what you think you know, will be based on 60 years of propaganda, and supermarket shelf misinformation. There might be a lot of unlearning to do before you can really benefit from this excellent course.

Here are the Bio's of the Course Designers

Jonno Proudfoot

Managing Director at WWW LinkThe Real Meal Revolution.

Jonno started his own catering company when he was 20. Since his early twenties, Jonno has studied accounting, marketed wine, managed finance.

Jonno trained as a chef, and worked in the industry as a chef for some years.

Jonno worked on a Cooking Show in South Africa, for two seasons, mentoring twins who cooked recipes sent in by viewers.

He was once a long distance swimmer.

Sally-Ann Creed

Sally-Ann trained as a nutritional therapist in Australia. In her early life she suffered chronic asthma and panic disorders that she eventually controlled by food supplements and dietary change.

She wrote a best selling book, "Let Food Be Your Medicine" in 2002.

Prof Tim Noakes

Emeritus Prof. of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

He has run more than 70 marathons and ultra marathons, and is the author of several books on exercise and diet. He is known for his support of a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, as set out in his book The Real Meal Revolution.

Local FileI write a lot more about Tim Noakes Here.

In the early 1990's Noakes co-founded the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, with former South African rugby player Morne du Plessis.

In 2002 he was awarded a Doctorate in Science (DSc), one of the highest degrees the University of Cape Town can award.

WWW LinkThe Noakes Foundation is a research organisation, trying to improve scientific research about obesity and type 2 diabetes.

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