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The Life Giving Lecture

Information collated for your better understanding, by John Veitch

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Part one An introduction.

Part two Finding a Heart Healthy Diet

Part Three The Standard American Diet and it's Effects.

Part Four Lipophobia and the Sugar Debate

Part Five Nutritional Ketosis is Normal

Part Six The Obesidemic Environment and Commercial Influence

Part Seven Professionals Oppose the Paradigm

Part Eight Sources of Expertise and Some Suggestions

Part Nine Questions and Answers (To be developed)

You learn best from multiple sources. I try hard to present you with the best information, which is offered in several ways in this web site. Please feel free to enjoy my "Life Giving Lecture."

The Life Giving Lecture

Overview of the eight parts

(1) An introduction

Our knowledge of nutrition is tightly controlled by professional bodies and by the messages the food industry wants us to believe. Much of what we believe about food is has no basis in science, even though those who claim to offer us "evidence Based advice" tell us that they have professional knowledge.

(2) Finding a Heart Healthy Diet

When the dietary standards for developed societies were written, after 1980, they usually copied the American Standard Diet with minor modifications. The focus in the minds of the politicians who made that legislation was to recommend a "Heart Healthy Diet" often called the "Prudent Diet."

(3) The Standard American Diet and it's Effects.

Sadly the recommended diet did not have any dramatic effect on heart health, and made the health of the nation worse in many ways. The low-fat diet we've been told to eat has no basis in science, it's origin is political. Good political intentions gone wrong, is one way to understand it.

(4) Lipophobia and the Sugar Debate

A key message in the "Heart Healthy Diet" was to limit fat in the diet, particularly saturated fat. This meant by necessity, that people needed to eat more carbohydrate than was normal. It's also left most of us with a fear of dietary fat that isn't supported by science.

(5) Nutritional Ketosis is Normal

We've never been taught about a metabolic system we all have, that allows us to fuel our body almost entirely with dietary fat. It's the metabolism we all used when we were being breast fed by our mothers. I earlier historic times, when food wasn't from a supermarket, in most years people would face uncertain food security, perhaps for a month or so, and would use their lipid metabolism.

(6) The Obesidemic Environment and Commercial Influence

The current level of obesity in society isn't the fault of individuals. Our governments, and professional groups and industry have worked together to create an obesidemic environment. They might have begun with good intentions, but their actions have had unintended consequences.

(7) Professionals Oppose the Paradigm

Today, with the Internet, it's become quite clear that there are many professionals who believe that the current dietary guidelines do not help community health. There is growing scientific evidence that a change in those dietary standards is badly needed. A growing number of professionals are openly saying so, sometimes at the risk of their professional status.

(8) Sources of Expertise and Some Suggestions

There are many published books now available. There are public lectures on Youtube. There are online courses that teach you about the new science and guide you in eating an entirely different sort of diet, described as low-carbohydrate and high-fat (LCHF), or as the Banting Diet, or if you want a commercial version, the New Atkins Diet.

Preface to Part One   

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