Insulin forces the body to burn glucose or to store glucose as either glycogen or body fat. Insulin is the master hormone when glucose levels in the blood are high.
The secret to having low insulin levels is a lack of carbohydrate in the diet. Ketosis is enabled by a lack of insulin. "Negative insulin" according to Rosalyn Yalow and Solomon Berson who wrote about this in the 1950's.
When blood sugars are low, fat burning is enabled. When there is plentiful fat in the diet, and insulin is low, the body converts fatty-acids into ketones that are used to fuel the brain and heart, both of which prefer ketones as fuel if they are available.
The brain is dependent on glucose, but when ketones are available the brain conserves glucose and uses the ketones as the primary fuel.
Effortless weight loss
Stable insulin levels
Stable blood sugars
Reduced blood pressure
Reduced inflammation
Easier appetite control
Increased energy levels
Quicker recovery after strenuous exercise