Cholesterol in Diet

Credit Suisse tells you what you need to know.

Your body makes most of the cholesterol in your system, quite independently from what you eat.

Besides your body needs cholesterol, those with higher cholesterol actually do better, not worse.

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

There is no relationship between cholesterol levels and heart disease.

The idea of good cholesterol (HDL) v bad cholesterol (LDL) is also nonsense. Although HDL-Cholesterol is certainly protective.

Small LDL and Heart Disease

With LDL-Cholesterol, it's not the cholesterol that's a potential problem it's the very small LDL particles it may contain.

Dietary changes can reduce the number of very small LDL particles that are created.


Credit Suisse Research Institute
Dietary Cholesterol

The focus on good and bad cholesterol is superficial at best and most likely misleading.

Medical research has shown that eating cholesterol has basically no influence on the level of cholesterol in the blood or on the potential for heart disease.

Ask your doctor for a vertical auto profile cholesterol test (VAP). This method is a direct test for measuring lipoprotein particle sizes.

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