
Part Eight:

Sources of Expertise and Some Suggestions.

(About 18 minutes)

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Preface to Part Eight The Professional Debate is Intense and Earnest

Sources of Expertise Books (A bit outdated now)

The Real Meal Revolution First source of Courses for the Public and Professionals

The Diet Doctor - Andreas Eenfeldt Making Low Carb - Keto - User friendly

The Take-Out Diet - Dr Hugh Butler - a sensible science based "discover your own best diet" book.

Take Out Sugar Stop eating added sugar. - Sugar is a slow poison

Take Out Cereal Breakfast cereals promote continuous eating all day.

Take Out Bread Even "whole grains" become glucose in your system - Fibre makes you fart - Excess Gluten cause problems

Dr Jason Fung - Take out a meal - Fasting or intermittent fasting

Dietary Options? Seasonal eating - Mediterranean Diet - Not SAD, or Vegan. - Vegetarian difficult

Beyond the Science Science can identify what doesn't work. - Best diet? - Not vegan - not vegetarian

Metabolic Syndrome - A Reality? - Facts often tell us things we prefer not to know

The Dunedin Study Aging too quickly? - Sadly yes - How you live your life matters.

Self Education Recording some measurements. Noticing small things in your Health Diary.